Sunday February 10, 2019
Sunday, February 10, 2019 was one of the most validating days I have had in a very long time. It all started Saturday evening with a text from a number with a NY area code, questioning whether three women could come for Tachyon Chamber Sessions the next day. At first, I thought it was a spam text, I’d been getting so many of them lately. But, once I got out my readers—without hesitation I responded “yes, how’s 1:30”? Diane was thrilled and she texted me her website Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision, so I could check them out. I was blown away! Talk about kindred souls! We have so much in common on our websites, with our world-views, our missions, and our excitement about Tachyon. They told me they had been searching for Tachyon on the internet and were traveling through the area just as they came across my information! It was as if they followed a Tachyon star and just like the Three Wise Kings – in this case of course, Three Wise Goddesses- they came to West Hartford and brought gifts of unmeasurable value.
Jennifer Westacott, RN, LMT says,
“From the moment I met Celeste and walked into her incredible space, I knew we had found a like-minded soul. Celeste has an amazing way of creating a safe welcoming space through her beautiful presence and amazing heart. In doing this, she set the stage for the most extraordinary experience with the Tachyon Chamber.”
The afternoon was truly extraordinary and magical- as if we were in a movie. We discovered we have uncannily similar ideas about physics, philosophy, spirituality, science, and even politics. The aha moments and goose bumps were bouncing around us like molecules in a collider, with each delightful exchange of information. The respect and admiration they expressed for my Sanctuary for Celestial Empowerment, for my work, for my books, and for Celestial Psychology spurred me on to entertain them with my poem, The Ego’s Nonexistent Existence which I haven’t read aloud for a very long time. They loved it! They bought my book and they are even going to put a CP poster on the wall in their Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision. Talk about a gift of validation!
Jennifer was the first one to experience the Tachyon Chamber Meditation and Healing Session. I settled her into the over-sized recliner. I then surrounded her with the incredibly powerful Tachyon-Living products. She put on the Bose headset and I turned on the beautiful, 30-minute specially prepared Tachyon music. I closed the door and left her in the gold room, while Diane Saunders, CSW and Marilyn Gewacke, PhD and I continued our delightful give-and-take.
We bent forks together!
We got to discussing the physics of Tachyon and I excitedly took out my box of bent forks. Jumping right in to try it themselves, I instructed them to draw divine light through our crown chakras. And then to visualize it traveling out our dominant arm into the fork we were holding at about eye level. We commanded bend, bend, bend! It only took a couple manual tries before the molecular structure of the fork loosened, the metal became malleable, and the forks bent like butter. “This, my dear ladies, is how I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that matter can be imbued with energy, and that Tachyon is real.” They were thrilled!
More Testimony from Jennifer
When Jennifer’s session was up- she slowly opened the door and was clearly in another world. Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes were sparkling, and she was radiating divine beauty! This is the testimony she wrote a few days after:
“I immediately felt extremely calm and relaxed which allowed my body to feel a tingling effervescent movement of energy up-and-down my chakras that moved in gentle waves. As I was bathed in this beautiful subtle energy, I started to really sink into the experience of being inside my own wisdom chambers, uncovering deeper remembrance of who I am.
In my mind’s eye I experienced beautiful sacred geometry and felt my guides present during the session.
In the days that followed, I have found myself incredibly energized and “humming” with flow, movement and balance. I have been able to manage stress in a different way and I have been much more aware of the subtle realms of synchronicity in my life.
Because tachyon is subatomic and moves beyond at the speed of light, it penetrates beyond our thinking minds to have a direct and profound healing impact on our body, mind, heart and spirit.
We’ve been so moved by the power of this experience that we are in the process of setting up a Tachyon Chamber at the Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision.”
Testimony from Diane:
Diane Saunders, CSW writes:
“I had the privilege and adventure of experiencing a Tachyon Meditation Chamber with Celeste last Sunday. It was so exciting meeting such a beautiful expansive light filled woman who has devoted herself to bringing in such healing energy to earth.
Celeste has an uncanny ability to make you feel right at home. From the first moment she greets you, you know you have arrived somewhere safe and healing.
My experience in the chamber was like bathing in pure consciousness. Seated in a comfy recliner with headphones and relaxing music you begin to travel and feel the tachyon energy moving throughout your body and chakras. An eye mask and 8 chakra stones facilitated this process, clearing resistances and balancing all energy bodies in the subtle realm. I left with a wonderful sense of well-being and much to ponder! I highly recommend this experience for anyone who wants to feel Whole again and integrated.”
Wow! I am totally honored and uplifted by the presence of these three multi-dimensional consummate and stunning professionals in my life! “Like the Three Wise Kings, you Goddesses followed the ‘Tachyon star’ … LOL! And honestly, I could not have been more in need of your ‘birthing’ and supportive energy! Miracles happen when the like-minded converge!”
Stay tuned dear readers!
PS: Marilyn’s book The Oneness of Being is available on Amazon
My copy is on it’s way.