From Grievance to Love with Gratitude ~ A Ritual for Metanoia I have always loved the word Metanoia. I typically think of it in terms of a change of heart. However, it can also be referred to as a change in one’s way of life resulting from spiritual practices. I…
A Note About Healing with Light, Energy, and Information. My introduction to affirmations: I believe I was in my twenties when I first heard the affirmation, “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.” I didn’t know much about the science behind affirmations or multidimensional healing with…
Beautiful Prayer about Light Below is a beautiful prayer by best-selling author, Paul Ferrini. Paul is the author of the worldwide bestseller Love Without Conditions. Larry Dossey calls him a modern-day Kahlil Gibran and this beautiful prayer is truly evidence of that. Universal Appeal What really appeals to me in…

Have you ever wondered what the secret to success is? What if I told you that success is within reach, and all you have to do is raise your consciousness to change your thinking? In this essay, I will discuss the power of raising your consciousness with Celestial Psychology (CP)…

Sunday February 10, 2019 Sunday, February 10, 2019 was one of the most validating days I have had in a very long time. It all started Saturday evening with a text from a number with a NY area code, questioning whether three women could come for Tachyon Chamber Sessions the…

Workshops for Psychotherapists presented by, Celeste E. Mattingly, LCSW Galvanize your confidence in psychotherapy as a viable competitor in today’s world fraught with self-help gurus, mediums, spiritual teachers, hypnotists, and life-coaches. Revitalize your confidence in face-to-face psychotherapy as a viable discipline in today’s virtual world. Propel your professional and personal work…

May 2018 be gloriously luminescent for all humanity. The time has come for humanity to shed the cocoon of the EGO! It is time for us to spread our wings and fly with our Essential Nature- Our Higher Selves! “The metamorphosis of the butterfly has long been the symbol of…