Celeste conveys a message of hope in all her personal and professional affairs.
She attributes her successful career to being a Social Worker. In 2010 she was featured in an article for the Hartford Courant’s feature on National Social Work Month. Click here to read the article: The Face of Social Work: Celeste Emelia Mattingly.
Celeste attributes her creative, restorative capabilities to her own “Holy Work” which she began doing in the 1970s. Her introduction and successful adaptation to 12-step fellowships in the 1980s, spear-headed her work with others.
She says, “Without a doubt, the creation of Celestial Psychology® and the writing of the Celestial Psychology® Workbook and the accompanying Celestial Psychology® Guidebook, has accelerated my own personal and professional growth propelling me to make my wildest dreams a reality—co-creating a life of miracles and luminosity!”

Celeste’s 2009 portrait for Social Work Month
“I have helped nearly 2,000 clients over the past two decades. I have helped hundreds of adults find recovery from all types of addiction including sex and love, gambling, food, spending, and internet addiction. My training and experience have made it possible for me to also help relieve the suffering from depression and anxiety for my clients. I have counseled and educated family members about how to address the special problems and needs of those afflicted with these dis-eases. My most important message is: we human beings are capable of changing for the better when we raise our consciousness.”
“You will be provided a safe and confidential environment where you can talk freely and will be listened to without judgement. I will encourage you to access your own strengths, focus on your whole person— mind, emotions, body, and spirit. You will be encouraged to search your subconscious to release and heal old hurts. We will work together to find out what will make your ‘heart sing’. I will also help you develop assertiveness, coping, communication, anger and stress management skills. Because of these new skills you will be able to modify your behavior, and most importantly to change your perceptions.”
In 2006, Celeste was trained as a Level III Usui Reiki Master. In 2009 she became certified in the highly specialized energy medicine modality — Reconnective Healing®.
In March of 2018 Celeste began integrating Tachyon-Living Products into her healing and anti-aging work on herself, and her work with others. The results have been phenomenal. Everything from increased energy to decreased pain and symptoms to outright miracles have occurred as a result of meditations with these products.
At hew new office located at 1533 New Britain Avenue, Suites 1 & 3, in Farmington, CT Celeste will be hosting workshops for laypersons on a wide variety of topics. She also offers workshops for professionals to obtain their Continuing Education Credits approved by the NASW/CT; as well as classes and a variety of events all focused on spiritual empowerment for the individual and the community.
Celeste Emelia Mattingly, LCSW, is the creator of her own theory for psychotherapy, suitably named Celestial Psychology®.
This is an effective and promising system to help you overcome the trappings of the Egoic mind. This exciting seminal therapy is a skillfully blended eclectic combination of well-known psychological theories; standard psychotherapeutic techniques; ancient metaphysical and religious ideologies and/or practices; and state-of-the-art holistic healing concepts and energy medicine modalities.
Celestial Psychology® is founded on the conviction that human beings are capable of changing for the better and that the greatest change agent is consciousness-raising.