Integrative & Quantum Psychotherapy
At the root of this combination is the psychodynamic approach of making conscious what is unconscious. Celeste believes that although traditional psychoanalysis is generally considered outdated, it remains the bedrock for all change. It is the root of all psychology, just as chakra one, Muladhara is the root of the Human Chakra System.
We can not change what we do not see, so consciousness-raising is both, the underlying goal and the end result of all methods. Celeste combines traditional “talk” therapy with the various therapies discussed throughout this site and in more detail on the Celestial Psychology® page.
Quantum, Energy & Tachyon Healing Services
Celeste is committed to offering you the most effective treatment available with holistic integrative techniques to create an individualized treatment plan suited to your individual needs.
Say “Yes!” to change, and contact Psychotherapy Healing Services, LLC today! Take the first step on the road to holistic, Integrative, Multidimensional healing with Celeste Emelia Mattingly, LCSW.
Workshops & Lectures
List of Workshops/Available Topics—past, present (check calendar) and future—call to arrange a presentation for your group or organization.