I am thrilled to report that testimonies for Tachyon Chamber for Healing and Anti-aging sessions are pouring in and are positive beyond my wildest dreams. Every participant has experienced deep relaxation, some even fall asleep. Most stay awake and remain pleasantly aware of sensations such as pain-free comfort, floating, tingling,…
TACHYON CHAMBER FOR HEALING & ANTI-AGING OPENS IN FARMINGTON, CT written October 1, 2021 Located inside the well-established Malibu Fitness gym, Celeste E. Mattingly, LCSW, a 70-year-old quantum psychotherapist and tachyon enthusiast, has established the perfect location for a Tachyon Chamber for Healing & Anti-aging. In April 2020, Covid-19 shut…
August 2021 Photo of Celeste wearing a beautiful Tachyon shawl and her favorite self-tachyonized personal jewelry. Celeste’s 2021 Testimony and Tachyon Adventure I have been utilizing Tachyon Living products since 2018. Initially, I purchased a set of Tachyon Rods, some Power Discs, and a shawl. I was very impressed by…

News Brief TACHYON Field Days Return on Sundays: Sundays 1 pm to 5 pm There is no cost to attend, however, preregistration is required- click on the links below: September 29, 2019 October 27, 2019 November 17, 2019 January 12, 2020 There is no denying; we are being bombarded daily…

Sunday February 10, 2019 Sunday, February 10, 2019 was one of the most validating days I have had in a very long time. It all started Saturday evening with a text from a number with a NY area code, questioning whether three women could come for Tachyon Chamber Sessions the…