Web-design Extraordinaire!
I am joyously shouting from the rooftops that I finally found a fantastic website developer and designer that I am over the top thrilled with! After years of struggling and disappointments related to teaching myself webdesign I can honestly say that Shoi of Design by Shoi is a rare gem in a sea of wannabes and hackers. She and her team have turned out to be everything they claimed themselves to be and then some! I’m very happy with everything they have done for me- and I want the world to know why:
In 2007 I began learning to build my own website with Yahoo Site-Builder and then gradually moved into learning WordPress. I truly enjoy computer graphics and I find mastering many aspects of technology a rewarding challenge, however, there comes a point in every self-taught endeavor when the student really needs a teacher. So, the search began in about 2014. Over the last six years I have taken numerous classes and hired at least a half-dozen independent contractors who would get my hopes up by stating they could help and claiming they understood what I wanted and needed. The frustrations always began after I paid them their money. I would wait for days to get a simple job done- and then be told it couldn’t be done, rather than admit they didn’t know how. I got a refund from one ‘entrepreneur’ claiming that she could provide individual instructions (I accidently discovered later we were a class of 500!) with her online classes, but she never even responded to our emails. What she did for me, however, was introduce me to the WordPress theme called Salient; consistently rated one of the best themes available, to this day. So, I muddled through teaching myself some more, hired a few more ‘independent let-downers’ and continued my search for an expert who would update my existing site and teach me what I need to learn.
By the time I found Shoi on FB The Spiritual Realist in Business I was exhausted, jaded, and I recall thinking to myself, ‘yeah! right!’ Well, I am so glad that the beautiful projects and great testimonies inspired me to keep reading because I discovered that the WordPress theme she and her team insist on is Salient! The exact theme that I’ve been using and that I’ve had so much already invested in! My heart leapt and I sent the first email explaining my dilema of knowing too much to be bamboozled, but not enough to produce a really dazzling website. I outlined what I wanted to accomplish and she got back to me within the day! A little more back and forth clarification and the next day she sent me a clearly defined project brief. This fantasitc detailed email accurately mirrored everything that I told her that I would like. I was thrilled and I did not hesitate to make the payment so she and her team could get right on the project! Over the next few weeks we exchanged refinements of the project brief email. As each phase of the work (25-page website!) was completed Shoi would send the brief back to me with new details outlined in a new color- our email correspondences are like rainbows of information! It was a delight to work this way. No detail was ever left unaddressed. Shoi consistently went above and beyond our contract by surprising me with enhanced images. She added extra content and design niceties that always made the mark, indicating that she totally ‘gets what I’m about’! (A huge boost to my confidence!) During our final edit she even uploaded my new videos at no extra cost.
I can honestly say that working with Shoi has been a joy! Our correspondences were always polite, straightforward, and actually quite loving. It’s a wonderful experience to work with a professional who makes spiritual principles and values her priority. She is truly a spiritual entrepreneur who sincerely signs her emails with xoxo! And it’s a joy to be able to respond in kind- xoxox, Shoi!
The timing for this upgrade to my web presence (and confidence in my work) could not be more propitious. I have so many exciting new adventures to report on and new ventures to announce that I will now be able to do with the pride of knowing that my work is being shown in its best light. Shoi and her team have given me new confidence to step-up my presence in the world. Much success, gratitude, and love to you, Shoi, and your team. xoxo
I highly recommend Shoi and her team for all your design needs!
- website: http://designbyshoi.com/
- more about Shoi & her lovely team: http://designbyshoi.com/team/
- Shoi’s portfolio: http://designbyshoi.com/design-portfolio/
- The spiritual realist in business (facebook group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/902484173161865/ – gives you an idea of her values and the way she lives/loves/works.