Workshops for Psychotherapists
presented by,
Celeste E. Mattingly, LCSW
Galvanize your confidence in psychotherapy as a viable competitor in today’s world fraught with self-help gurus, mediums, spiritual teachers, hypnotists, and life-coaches. Revitalize your confidence in face-to-face psychotherapy as a viable discipline in today’s virtual world. Propel your professional and personal work to new levels of expanded consciousness and awareness.
Celestial Psychology® is founded on the basic principle that human beings are capable of changing for the better with consciousness-raising techniques
Thursday, March 7, 2019 – 5:30 to 9:00 pm
Click here for more information and registration
Energy & Quantum Psychology – Practical applications for psychotherapy
Explore correlations between Quantum Energy & Psychology, and the psychotherapeutic process.
Step into the ever-expanding Quantum World-view, and it’s relationship to psychotherapy. Learn practical applications via Quantum healing for yourself and your clients. Navigate these anxiety-ridden and tumultuous times with knowledge, ease, and practical tools.
Psychotherapy & Celestial Psychology® – Practical Applications – Friday, March 29, 2019
Celestial Psychology® is founded on the basic principle that human beings are capable of changing for the better and evolving into actualized/higher beings with consciousness-raising techniques. Consciousness-raising has been evidenced by Prochaska & Norcross (1994) as the most profound vehicle for change amongst all theoretical frameworks.
This integrative blend of standard intervention practices such as CBT, Transpersonal, Existential, Gestalt, TSF, and other psychotherapeutic theoretical frameworks seamlessly blends with a variety of state-of-the-art consciousness-raising techniques. These techniques include journal writing, utilization of affirmations, visualizations, meditations, chakra balancing, Quantum energy medicine healings, and evolutionary activations.
Three major theoretical distinctions for Celestial Psychology® are- first the incorporation of the Egoic-Mind Paradigm (EMP) as taught by Buddhism, A Course in Miracles, and contemporary spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle. A second distinction is the use of high-frequency Quantum energy medicine to permanently improve the Zero-Point Energy Field and upgrade the DNA of the individual. The third distinction is the incorporation of an evolutionary perspective and the instillation of a sense of responsibility to deliberately choose to move forward thereby ensuring positive mental health for ourselves and the survival of our species.
Friday, March 29, 2019 – 9:30 to 4:00 pm
Click here for more information and registration
Educational Objectives:
— Clinicians with be able to declare with confidence that psychotherapy is the ultimate mode of healing- because all healing comes from the mind.
— Clinicians will gain practical understandings of contemporary egoic-mind paradigm, high-frequency Quantum energy medicine, and an evolutionary perspective.
— Clinician will be able to teach clients simple chakra balancing techniques.
— Clinicians will discover ways to blend traditional psychology, ancient spiritual traditions, latest scientific research into their work as psychotherapist.
— Clinicians will be able to discuss with, determine efficacy of, and potentially apply and/or teach simple, yet profound spiritual healing practices to their patients.
— Overcome hesitation to incorporate spiritually-oriented practices into psychotherapy practice.
— Learn simple exercises that will quickly and effectively elevate clients (and practitioners) mood and consciousness, i.e., “connecting” and “grounding” techniques.
— Receive handouts, glossary of terms, and suggested reading list.
This definition is from Celeste Mattingly’s book Celestial Psychology: A Guidebook for Co-Creating Miracles, Luminosity, and Conscious Evolution.
Celestial Psychology® (CP) is an eclectic blend of: standard, well-known psychotherapeutic theories; psychiatric, nutritional, and energy medicine interventions; a variety of state-of-the-art consciousness-raising techniques, including but not limited to utilization of affirmations, visualizations, guided meditations, energetic and evolutionary activations, and journal writing. CP is founded on the basic principle that human beings are capable of changing for the better and evolving into higher beings. The theoretical distinction for CP is the incorporation of the contemporary Egoic Mind Paradigm (EMP), energy medicine, and an evolutionary perspective. Consciously and deliberately deciding to evolve, ensures positive mental health for the individual and is essential to the survival of the species. CP brings ancient spiritual traditions, contemporary psychotherapy, and scientific research together—indisputably affirming that psychotherapy is the ultimate mode of healing—because all healing comes from the mind/consciousness. Glossary p. 191