13th Octave LaHoChi Healing Sessions

“You can choose Love for Love is what you are.” *

Experience Divine Love moving to and from you and the Universe in ways you never thought possible!

What is 13th Octave LaHoChi?

13th Octave LaHoChi is a high-frequency deeply spiritual hands-on healing modality.

It has been verified as the most powerful, highest, most pure Angelic Source by energy practitioners, sensitives, and healers from many energy healing modalities

13th Octave LaHoChi is a gentle yet powerful energy healing modality which anchors and spreads a high-frequency of healing light energy into the physical and energetic bodies.

What is LaHoChi?

The syllable “La” in LaHoChi refers to “Light and Love of God/Goddess/Spirit”.

The syllable “Ho” refers to the movement of this powerful light and the syllable “Chi” refers to universal life force.

Joining these together, “LaHoChi” can be summed up as “High-frequency healing light, filled with life force, moving into and through the body, mind, and spirit, at the quantum speed of light/thought/intention.”

What is 13th Octave?

The 13th Octave is both the process of becoming and the place of arriving at being One with Source.

It has been referred to as the Ultimate State of Being ~ akin to the Zero Point Energy Field.

The 13th Octave yields a very high-vibrational and intelligent energy that when joined with LaHoChi, allows the anchoring of this powerful light energy

and profound clearing and healing of the physical, emotional and energetic bodies.

“May the wisdom of the ancients and the blessings of the divine converge through your hands as you embrace the gift of the 13th Octave LaHoChi and

share its radiant healing light with the world.”

– JP Schmitt

What are the benefits of 13th Octave LaHoChi.

Balances and cleanses the entire chakra system, including the seven auric layers.

Removes energy and healing blockages from entrenched patterns and past traumas, clearing the way for healing of the body, mind, and spirit.

Here are some of the benefits that clients have reported:

  • Deep relaxation

  • Feeling of profound peace and unconditional love

  • Releasing of blocked or “stuck” energies in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers of the energetic field

  • Energetic acupuncture, high vibration healing using color, plant essences, and sound frequencies

  • Deeper connection to higher self and accelerated spiritual awakening

  • Ease of pain, soothed emotions, a calm and peaceful mind

  • Filling of the spiritual bodies with brilliant light

  • Sense of connection to the realms of Ascended Masters, Archangels, and pure Source love

  • Feelings of being supported and full of “bliss”

What happens during a 13th Octave LaHoChi healing session?

Please wear comfortable clothing because you will be lying on a massage table. Lemurian crystals and will be placed on or around your body, channeling the energy to areas where healing is needed. For example the crystals might be placed on your forehead, your legs, your abdomen, etc.

The session will start with the practitioner verbalizing aloud an invocation to different archangels, a healing prayer, and a healing declaration of intent.

Be prepared to answer this question aloud “Do you want to be healed?”

Throughout the session the practitioner will place their hands on your body. Direct contact by the practitioners’ hands allows the practitioner’s intention to channel high-frequency radiant healing light. The hand positions in specific areas, are highly specialized formations that create sacred geometrical etheric patterns allowing the healing energy to be transmitted at a very high-frequency vibration.

What is the cost of a 13th Octave LaHoChi healing session?

In-person or remote sessions last 45 minutes and cost $111.00. There will be a few minutes before and after for consultation, so plan for one hour.

A complete 2 hour session of Celestial Empowerment Quantum Healthcare starts with up to 30 minutes (if needed) of customized affirmation creation and intention setting. You will then receive 45 minutes of 13th Octave LaHoChi healing. We will end with Tachyon Chamber Healing and Anti-aging meditation time filling up the two hour session. Cost is $333.00 for in-person or remote.

Call 860-364-3337 or send a text to 860-798-6176 to book your sessions, today!

Master-Teacher JP Schmitt presented us with the most professional and artistic certificates ever ~ complete with a golden seal with his logo! ♥

*Footnote * Chapter 4 Loving Fear & Fearing Love—The Ego’s Story Page 89

The Ego’s Nonexistent Existence
Once upon a sacred time, when there was no time,
when there was only Love— ….

 Mattingly 2013